
 Welcome to Chemistry!

Chemistry is a College-Prep, laboratory-based, science class designed for 10th- 11th grade high school students.  It is a rigorous course that will cover concepts and theories relating to the scientific field of Chemistry.  In this NGSS aligned chemistry course, students will explore physical science concepts that build comprehension around matter, its properties, and its interactions with other matter and energy. The units within this scope and sequence are presented thematically to provide a context for student learning. Students will explore concepts in chemistry and apply their understanding of these concepts in the context of Earth and Space Science. The integration of relevant Earth and Space Science concepts such as stars and climate change are designed to deepen student understanding of chemistry’s role in Earth’s systems and society. 

Google Apps & 

Google Classroom

For this school year, all assignments, labs, e-textbook, etc. are posted in Google Classroom.  Answer keys will be provided in a packet to parents.  You will need to log in to your VOCS Google account first, and then join our Conceptual Physics class in Google Classroom. Below are instructions on how to log in.

VOCS Google Login: google/


Student ID: 123456

Password: Valleyoaks1! You will be prompted to change your password after logging in

Go to

class code to join: atxid7s   

Units of Study: Fall Semester Units 1-4, Spring Semester Units 5-8

Unit 1:  Introduction, Data Analysis, Matters & Change

Unit 2: Structure of the Atom, Electrons, Periodic Table & Law, Electrons in Atoms

Unit 3: Ionic & Covalent Bonds

Unit 4 :Chemical Reaction 

Unit 5: The Mole & Stoichiometry

Unit 6:  Gases & Their Properties

Unit 7:  Solutions, Acids & Bases

Unit 8: Thermodynamics

Unit 9: Reaction Rate & Equilibrium (if time permits)


Grades will be awarded as follows, based on joint assessment done by both parent and instructor

Aug 17, 2023 at 5_42